Join us for a Sunday service!
How to find us.
What Newcomers Want to Know Before Their First Visit
Next Steps
The church is presently open for those who are vaccinated for COVID, including children attending Religious Exploration or the nursery. Masks are optional.
Service times:
Worship, 11 am, Sunday
Children’s Religious Exploration Classes, 11 am, Sunday
Adult Religious Exploration Class, 9:45 am, Sunday
What to expect:
Come a bit early and a greeter will help you with a name tag and answer questions. If you have children they and you will be introduced to the teacher or childcare giver. Help yourself to a cup of coffee or tea (if masks are not required). An order of service will be given you at the door to the sanctuary, but we do not have formal ushers to direct you to a seat.
Typical service:
The heart of the service is a sermon. Guest speakers and members of the congregation present services, which can focus on community issues, spiritual growth, and Unitarian Universalist history. We often address social justice issues and other concerns in the wider community. We draw from many sources. This religious pluralism enriches our faith.
Members of the congregation lead the service. Visitors are encouraged to introduce themselves, but if you prefer to remain “anonymous” at your first visit, we will not embarrass you. The format of most services includes hymns, collection (offering), and readings, but we can break out in an experimental mode. No matter the format the atmosphere is always relaxed.
What to wear for adults & children:
Someone once remarked that the “dress code” at our church is “no dress code.” Our church family is varied: some will be dressed as for the office or dinner in a nice restaurant, others will be in jeans and tee shirt. Children’s classes are very “hands on,” with art activities, so dress accordingly.
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