Social Justice

For over 135 years, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Wichita has been committed to providing a space for liberal religious practice and social action in our community. First UU feels that social action is our opening to meet the community where they are at, while providing meaningful experiences for First UU members to live out our shared principles.

As an intentional community that is committed to justice, and taking action to bring about positive change, our commitment to living out our principles is stronger than ever. Please join us every third Sunday via Zoom Meeting after the service (12:00 p.m.) as we reaffirm our 7 principles, and organize to take action in advancing justice together.

Issues that we have been involved in and continue to be involved in during 2020 as we are able considering the pandemic restrictions are:

Haiti: Haiti does not have public schools and children must pay to attend private schools. We support the Lambert community by sponsoring two students every year.

Smart Justice: We participate in ACLU-sponsored meetings and direct action including Ban the Box (removing the felony question from job applications).

Pride Day: We participate in the annual Pride Day by sponsoring an information table and marching in the parade.

Driver’s license suspension bill:  Kansas has one of the highest rates of suspended drivers in the country, and the majority of those are suspended for unpaid fines or court fees – sometimes unrelated to driving.  We supported new proposed Kansas legislation with letter writing and phone calls.

Alternative Gift Fair: We participate with a booth in the annual fair with most of the gifts available through the Alternative Gift International’s annual catalog. The gifts are of peace and justice.