Zen Friends of Wichita
We meet every Monday at 6:30 p.m. We start sitting at 6:30 and start our book discussion at around 7:15. If you are new to sitting meditation, please let our facilitator know before sitting starts, and he will give a brief instruction at the beginning of the sitting period.
Wichita Buddhist Meditation and Reading Group is ecumenical in nature. We look for ways to improve our practice in sitting meditation and in our daily lives, drawing from traditional Buddhist teachings as well as sources as diverse as psychology and American Indian religions.
Once a month we have half day meditation retreats at members’ homes. They will be announced. If you wish to attend, you must, as a prerequisite, have attended at least one of our Tuesday night sitting and discussions. We will announce the day and times when we have worked it out.
Our group facilitator is Bob Feleppa – rxfeleppa@gmail.com