Tough Love Saves Us All

Debbie Wadman will present a sermon by Rev. Gretchen Haley, co-minister for the Foothills Unitarian Church. Haley states that “Unlike partial communities that seek to put limits around love or duty, the Beloved Community is that community that keeps drawing the circle wider and wider still. It is a loyalty that is based not in our sameness, but to the Love that holds us across our differences.” She encourages us “to call this love holy, to pledge our allegiance to it, which in turn requires a critical awareness of our own tribe, and our own trauma.”

The church is open for in-person Sunday Services for those who are fully vaccinated, masks are optional, and social distancing is requested. Or you may join us online for the live service using the Zoom Invitation.  You may also like to follow along using the Order of Service and the Hymn Lyrics.
