Committee on Ministry
The Committee on Ministry (COM) serves two broad goals. First, COM serves as a liaison for the minister and the congregation with the goal of improving relationships and the overall ministry of the church. COM can help the minister in planning and evaluating the minister’s work with the congregation. COM is available to assist congregants who may be reluctant to express concerns with the minister. At present, we do not have a minister.
The second goal of COM is to support and monitor the overall ministry of the church. According to the COM guidelines, COM is to explore issues such as the integration of new members, minister’s performance evaluation, social justice, Sunday services, pastoral care, leadership development, religious education, fundraising, community outreach, and other aspects of the church’s ministry. COM does not have authority over these functions. Authority resides in the Board of Trustees. COM’s function is to make recommendations to the Board and other groups on these issues of ministry.
In line with these goals COM oversees the conflict resolution process within the church. COM meets monthly and members serve 3-year terms. Nominees for COM are recommended by the minister and COM, and they are elected by the Board.