Why I Belong

Corey Swertfager

Corey SwertfagerHow many of you have phones that can access the Internet? In the land of smartphones and other mobile devices, there are 3G and 4G wireless networks. The G stands for generation. A 3G network is so fast that it allows a lot of information to be transmitted and received by mobile devices. A 4G network is even faster, allowing much more information to be passed.

I am happy to report that First Unitarian Universalist Church of Wichita has an even better network: a 2G network. “2G?” you ask, “How can you be happy about an ancient 2G network? Don’t you know that you can’t even browse the Internet on such a sluggish 2G network?”

You’ve got a good point. But in this case, it is a matter of quality over quantity. And in this case, the 2 G’s are gratitude and generosity.

Gratitude. It all begins with gratitude. I am filled with gratitude for this First UU community. I am grateful for being accepted for who I am, grateful for the people and resources of First UU that challenge me to be a better person, that help me grow my capacity to love.

Generosity. I am deeply inspired by the people in our congregation who for many years have very generously given their money, time, and talents to keep First UU a vibrant community.

Gratitude. It all ends with gratitude. When we are truly thankful for what we’ve got, we’ve got it made. Dr. George Tiller used to say, “attitude is everything.” To that I might add, “gratitude is even more.”

“Hey!” you say, “Didn’t you just convert our 2G network into a 3G network?” Actually, it’s even better than that. When we are fully grateful for what we have, we become more generous people. And the more generous we are, the more grateful we become.

This gives us an infinite G network. Who wouldn’t want to connect to that?

— Corey Swertfager