Speaker: Melanie Jenney

Humor Sunday

Funny lady Melanie Jenney leads us in a morning of laughs. Trevor Stewart plays on his Chapman Stick OOS 07-28-24   Hymn Lyrics 07-28-24 Humor Sunday While the church is now open for all services and activities regardless of your vaccination status, the Board strongly recommends that all of us be vaccinated and asks that … Continue reading Humor Sunday

“No Struggle, No Progress”

Melanie Jenney will present “No Struggle, No Progress” by Rev. Andrew L. Weber, half-time minister with the Thomas Paine Fellowship in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. The sermon will explore how, as we look to renewing our national, congregational, and personal faith, we also acknowledge necessary struggles and hardships. Tom Page returns with a special music performance. OOS … Continue reading “No Struggle, No Progress”


Melanie Jenney presents “Universal-ish,” by LĂłre Stevens, who notes that  “Unitarian Universalists say that though our individual beliefs vary widely, together we side with Love. We affirm that every person, from the privileged to the oppressed, has worth and dignity. Everything, from the harmed to the harmful, is connected in the interdependent web of being. … Continue reading “Universal-ish”