Value of Vulnerability

Kay Davis will present a sermon by Rev. Jonalu Johnstone who is currently Co-Lead Interim Minister of Reflection & Discovery at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Texas. When we repeatedly resist sharing what we are feeling or who we really are, when we ignore our need to express grief or deny an important part of our lives, we lose our authenticity and our personal identity. Presenting ourselves as invulnerable risks our own health when the stress finds alternate expressions. But we also risk the larger body—the community—when we disconnect from others in this way. When we allow our vulnerabilities to show, we create real community and closeness to others.

The church is open for in-person Sunday Services for those who are fully vaccinated, masks are optional, and social distancing is requested. Or you may join us online for the live service using the Zoom Invitation.  You may also like to follow along using the Order of Service and the Hymn Lyrics.
