Speaker: Lara Pollock
Opening Words
The opening words adapted from Ken Wapnick‟s lecture series Sweet Are The Uses of Diversity. For decades,
mathematicians have struggled to find a unified formula to explain „the theory of everything.‟ Maybe their
mathematic system is fundamentally flawed. In his series, Ken Wapnick discusses a basic formula of life that I
call True Math. The most basic formula of life is this: 1+1=1. We are all interconnected in Absolute Oneness.
The false formula of 1+1=2 introduces twoness, which is literally not possible. Despite appearances, our mind
is one mind, our spirit is one spirit, our love is one love, our Truth is one Truth. Opening our minds to
Absolute Oneness, is the first step toward Connecting with Our True Essence.
Reading and Meditation
As a child, I used to think everything disappeared when I closed my eyes, and reappeared when I opened
them; and little people had to scurry around to get everything back in place before I opened my eyes again.
Did anyone else think something along those lines? Maybe that childlike idea isn‟t so wrong. The reading and
meditation has been adapted from the website commonsensescience.org/philosophy_of_reality. There is a
copy of the reading in the order of service. This is just one sample from the preponderance of philosophies
exploring our perception of reality.
The typical opinion: Common Sense Reality
Most people think that physical objects are real and that they exist independent of human contemplation.
Objects do not change depending upon our thoughts about them. They exist objectively whether or not we
think about them, observe them, measure them, or ignore them. The “common sense” philosophy has always
been around, but it was articulated by 18th century Moderates in response to the destructive Enlightenment
philosophies of John Locke and David Hume….(According to the “common sense” philosophy)… “Even skeptics
and relativists duck when they go through low doorways.”
Consider another perspective: Quantum Reality
In the Western world, the leading physicists advocate one or more of the eight forms of quantum reality, with
most holding to the Copenhagen Interpretation that There is no deep (truly tangible) reality. “The Copenhagen
interpretation properly consists of two distinct parts: 1. There is no reality in the absence of observation; 2.
Observation creates reality. `You create your own reality….’ As stated by a much honored professor of
Quantum Theory, “We now know the moon is demonstrably not there when nobody looks.” This is not merely
hyperbole; “Physicists do not put forth these quantum realities as science fiction speculations concerning
worlds that might have been, but as serious pictures of the one world we actually live in: the universe outside
your door.” {Re: Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty Principle}
What about: Vedantic Philosophy – The World of Ideas
The ancient and modern Eastern religious philosophy of reality tells us that reality is subjective, consisting of
ideas and perceptions. Dreams seem very real when we are asleep, but upon awakening we realize that what
seemed so real when we were dreaming was only in the mind. After pointing this out, the Vedantic philosopher
claims that we can also be fooled when we are awake, and we don’t ever really know for sure what is real. So,
he concludes, it is our thoughts and mental images that are important, since everything else may only be an
Pondering a Preponderance of Perceptions
Good morning. This is my third and final presentation on my view of God. I will begin with a little warning,
especially to those who are not familiar with the previous presentations. I only present every few years, I‟ve got
a lot to share, so this session is loaded with ideas, which may blow your mind a little bit. Should you wish to
sort through this information at your leisure, the three-part series is posted on the church website, firstuu.net,
click “About Us,” then click “Sermons.” To briefly review: In July‟s presentation, Reflections on Life Lessons,
I described how my spiritual beliefs influenced my personal life journey, which in turn deeply influenced my
spiritual beliefs. When I felt disconnected from a Higher Power, my life was disconnected and miserable. In a
traumatic experience of loss, I became aware of an eternal Loving Presence always escorting me through life.
After exploring spiritual ideas like prayer and finding inner peace, my life experiences have become more
manageable. In the August presentation, Reading Between Life’s Lines, I described several books that
developed my scientific knowledge and my spiritual belief system. At times I have struggled with incongruities
in the world. The thinking of the world seems so backwards. But in my reading, I learned that conflict in the
external world is a reflection of internal conflict within ourselves. Based on experience and studying the
scientific concepts of neuropsychology, physics, and particularly quantum physics, I began to question the
scripted sense of this perceived reality. Like many people, I questioned why God would set us up for failure
and the misery of loss which is inevitable in this life. I struggled with two conflicting concepts which I could
not reconcile. I believe the Universal Oneness of the Christ Consciousness. Yet I perceive the duality of good
and suffering in the world. How could both be true? Three years ago, I began reading The Disappearance of
the Universe by Gary Renard. Within the book, a very significant writing is described and explained in simple
terms: That document is A Course In Miracles. Studying these books helped me understand the nature of True
Oneness and the perception of good and bad in the world. In today‟s presentation, I will explore some core
concepts found in A Course In Miracles. It has taken years of study to grasp these concepts. So if something
that I describe today doesn‟t make sense to you, please try not to dismiss the idea because of my inability to
explain it. I cannot deliver all the answers to all the questions that arise, my goal is to stimulate your interest and
offer reliable resources for your own research.
I will start with a story about my son, Brett, who is now 13, and has always been a major mechanical maniac.
His first words were: “Brrrrrrr” as he scooted his trucks across the floor. He steers every conversation toward
the inevitable topic of trucks, dirt bikes and things that go “Brrrrrrrr” One day he asked me, “Mom, what is the
most powerful thing in the world?” I responded, “Brett, I believe the most powerful thing in the world, is our
imagination.” This was not the answer he was looking for, by any stretch of the imagination. Perplexed, he
responded, “..But, don‟t you think monster trucks are really powerful?” “Yes, I do. But tell me, Brett. Where
did the monster truck come from?” “Someone made it.” “Yes, and how did someone know to make it?”
“Someone thought of it.” “Yes and how did they think of it?” “They thought of it … in their imagination?”
“Yes, they did. It would not have been made, if someone didn‟t imagine it. I believe we have the power to
create anything we imagine.”
How wonderful is the power of our imagination. Infinite potential. But what have we done with our
imagination? Have we allowed ourselves to become so fearful, so regimented, so jaded we cannot imagine a
better way to be? We can use our imagination to attract our good, but we can also use it to create and reinforce
our misery.
In reference to the Reading and Meditation, many scientific theories of reality affirm that observation influences
matter. The Copenhagen Interpretation that „there is no deep (truly tangible) reality,‟ demonstrates that our
perceptions in this world are not what they seem. The Vedantic Philosophy of reality, among others, goes even
further by stating that our perceptions may be nothing but illusion. Even if people here today do not agree that
what we see and touch is illusion, can we all agree that what we see and touch is not permanent? Please point to
something you can see or touch that is permanent, that will not decay eventually. (Pause) Our bodies will die;
they are impermanent. These chairs will decay in 1000‟s of years; they are impermanent. Those books will
decay; they are impermanent. The earth will be destroyed in many millions of years; And what did the Buddha
say about that which is impermanent? (That which is impermanent is illusion) Can you touch the mind? The
body of evidence continues to build that the mind is the point of origin for the projections that seem to manifest
in this world. Isolating the level of cause: Mind creates thoughts, thoughts influence energy to form matter,
matter temporarily manifests as form in this world. What we perceive with our senses is only effect. If you
don‟t like the effect in this world, trace the cause to the level of the mind. Which is exactly what I am going to
do today.
Most religions have always asserted that God created this world, so, many people either credit or blame God for
creating our world. The Disappearance of the Universe & A Course In Miracles explain the very important
concept that God absolutely did not create this dualistic world. We created this perception in our mind. The
books explain that we made an error in perception because we thought we separated from our Source.
Consider this story about my daughter, Miranda, when she was about five years old. We were shopping at
Dillon‟s and she was walking along daydreaming, kind of lost in thought. Suddenly she looked up, looked to
the left, looked to the right, but she couldn‟t see me. I was standing right behind her, but she didn‟t see me.
Thinking she had been abandoned, she went into full panic mode. She screamed “Mommy! Mommy where are
you?” I answered, “Miranda, I‟m right here!” But she was so panicked she couldn‟t hear me. Then she darted
away before I could reach her, she was at a full run trying to find me in the store. I followed after her, but I
couldn‟t reach her. I kept calling to her, but in her panic, she couldn‟t hear. Finally she stopped for a moment,
trying to decide which way to run next, I caught up to her and hugged her tight and told her she had not been
left behind, I was behind her the whole time. Have you ever experienced a panic-mode based on the erroneous
thought of separation?
I want to share another story similar to this one, but with one more important component. When a good friend
of mine was only six years old, she went shopping with her mom. And you know how exasperated parents will
tell their child, “If you don‟t keep up, I‟m leaving without you.” Well my friend was wandering in the store,
lost track of her mom, and after searching the store, believed that her mom left without her. My friend was so
afraid she was going to be in big trouble, she actually walked home from the store alone. When she realized her
mom wasn‟t home, she was very scared and hid in the bushes. That is where she was found, cowering in the
bushes, alone, terrified of how much trouble she was going to be in. Was her mother going to punish her? Her
mother would only embrace her and love her unconditionally.
As I learned about our erroneous thought of separation in The Disappearance of the Universe and A Course In
Miracles, I realized that these stories are perfect examples symbolizing and actually re-enacting our perceived
separation from Source. In a little thought experiment use your imagination to try to picture how the original
error could have played out. Just like Miranda, a part of our mind was wandering, we weren‟t thinking anything,
then a little line of thinking just flittered into our mind. „What would existence be like without our loving
Source, without God?‟ Then in a split second, a part of our mind imagined this to be true. We thought we lost
our Source. A part of our mind reeled into sheer panic-mode. In that moment of panic, we felt separated, alone,
vulnerable; Just like Miranda, we drowned out and blocked any attempt to reach us. Our reaction of panic
formed a voice of fear telling us how terrible this thought of separation is, that we must hide or we will be
punished, just like my friend who hid in the bushes. Some people call this voice the devil, some call it the ego.
I call it „Our Fear Factor,‟ because that is all it is. It is a voice in our interconnected mind; It speaks only fear;
It blocks our mind and factors out the awareness of Truth. Our Fear Factor. You know that voice, don‟t you?
“There isn‟t enough; The world is on the brink of destruction; It can‟t be done; It just isn‟t possible; You
don‟t deserve….” All lies.
What if this mistake actually originated at the beginning of time, which, over eons, formed a grotesque
quagmire of guilt, blame and fear concealed within our subconscious? Imagine all the different kinds of
scenarios of separation that might play out from then until now. Every kind of misery, every kind of atrocity,
every kind of loss. But every kind of scenario would have one common thread in the nightmare: The
prevailing theme of guilt, blame and fear symbolically re-enacting the original perceived separation.
Everything in this world boils down to perception. There are a number of „fictional‟ stories, tv shows like
Twilight Zone, and movies that depict people awakening from the illusion of what they thought their world was.
If you saw Jim Carrey‟s Truman Show, you‟ll remember the artificial timing of his scripted life. In The Matrix,
Keanu Reeves‟ character had to choose the red pill of truth, or the blue pill which would send him back into the
illusion. After taking the red pill, he discovers that alien beasts have created a holographic illusion to pacify
humans while sucking energy out of their bodies like battery-packs. Which pill would you chose? The movie
Inception shows how easy it is to lose yourself in the many layers of the subconscious, dreaming within dreams,
time progressing more slowly the deeper the person sinks into the layers. (Can you think of any others? Vanilla
Sky, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, etc) How easy it is to become trapped by fearful patterns of reaction,
perpetual confusion, not knowing what is real, and what is dream. It all comes down to perception.
That is how I now understand synchronicities. I believe they are confirmations of the dream. Like Carl Jung‟s
archetypal figures that weave in and out of consciousness, synchronicities manifest in our lives in seemingly
impossible ways, similar to images that surface in a dream. For instance, there is not one day that goes by that I
do not synchronistically encounter the word “Dream.” Check it out for yourself. I‟d be interested to know if
the same happens to you. Do you recall the enlightened Buddha‟s simple phrase: „I am Awake‟? His
Enlightenment meant Awake and Aware, as opposed to what? (perhaps sleeping and dreaming?) How do lucid
dreamers control their dreams? (By controlling their mind and tapping the power of their imagination.) I
believe we can empower ourselves in our mind, through our imagination, to become lucid within this dream.
If this is a dream, though, why does it seem so real? While studying the ideas in The Disappearance of the
Universe and A Course In Miracles, I could understand the concept that what we seem to perceive through our
senses, is illusion, because so many sources I have read confirmed it in so many ways. Scientifically,
philosophically, mentally and spiritually. But I could not understand the mechanism. How is this matter that
seems so real, not real? I had to let that one go for a while. Let it percolate for a few years. Then I watched an
episode of NOVA on Fractals. Scientists used to think that things in nature like trees and rocks could not be
distilled into a formula. They are too chaotic, too inconsistent, too complex. Now we realize that the structure
of everything we perceive from the microcosm to the macrocosm is based upon the repeated patterns of simple
fractals. This tickled my mind. This meant something. Hmmmm …What did it mean? Then an epiphany.
Fractals are the mechanism! Fractals are how this illusion is constructed. Our thought of separation, repeated
over eons, built this fractured world out of fractals! In that moment of realization, the formula of illusions came
to me: 0x0=0 illusion x illusion = illusion. Our Fear Factor substituted 0x0=0 for the formula of Our True
Essence, 1+1=1. Like the dualistic binary system of 0‟s and 1‟s. In zero mode, our mind is off. In One mode,
our mind is On. Our Fear Factor occupies our off-mind with the illusion and confusion of duality, using our
imagination to breed more fear. And yes, our imagination will oblige and will „confirm‟ these mental images
with false fractals of form. A sick cyclical self-fulfilling prophesy based upon one erroneous mind-set of
separation from Source. This one thought served as the germ to generate the dualistic Hell which we now
perceive that blocks our awareness of Oneness which is Our True Essence.
In my mind‟s eye, I have experienced glimpses of Our True Essence. In deep meditation I felt an expansive
resonating connection with all existence. As I surrendered to the flow of expansion I felt I was enormously
huge, bigger than the sun, and much bigger still! In that glimpse, I allowed myself to sense the infinitely vast,
eternal Oneness (Have you ever glimpsed Our True Essence?) Most of us have so little awareness of the
massive potential power we possess. We have compartmentalized, blocked, and shut down our true creative
ability. Where did our imagination go? We imagined it away!
Helen Schucman, the woman who scribed A Course in Miracles, began her journey of channeling this document
based on a simple idea. Experiencing conflict with her colleague, they reached the conclusion that there has to
be a better way. I whole-heartedly agree. There has to be a better way than suspending ourselves in this
incongruent world of conflict, competition, corruption, suffering, and loss! And I say there is. I say, let us
reclaim Our True Essence. And the path to accomplish this starts with unlocking and unblocking our
imagination to attract what we desire in a spiritual sense. This is simple, but this is not easy because of our
attachments. I believe that anything we can touch is an attachment we have fabricated as a substitution for the
perceived loss of Our Source. We desperately try to fill the insatiable void; whether with food, mind-altering
chemicals, relationships, material possessions; all impermanent attachments that will never permanently fill the
Recall the „common sense‟ philosophy described in the Reading and Meditation that claims we all must duck
for „low- doorways.‟ My interpretation of „low-doorways‟ is they are the residual effect created by our
confused mind. Leftover fractals from past thoughts. If I don‟t like the effect, I still have to deal with it until I
change my mind. Even when I do change my mind, there is often lag-time, where effect remains temporarily
while new possibilities manifest. A Course In Miracles makes the distinction of being in the world, not being of
the world. I am learning to live in the world of effect while addressing the cause within my mind. I want to
share with you several different ways I try to neutralize effect in this world. I have specific examples outlined
in the handout in the order of service.
Even though I have glimpsed Our True Essence, I still struggle with Our Fear Factor‟s threats of scarcity,
frustration, judgment, among many others. To aid in the goal of changing effects by addressing the cause, I
have developed a perception analysis process using the concepts of A Course In Miracles, to release cyclical
patterns of limitation (found on the back of the handout) This has evolved from the „Forgiveness Exercises‟
discussed in my 2009 presentations on The Power of Forgiveness also accessible on firstuu.net. The process
includes five steps: Acknowledge, Surrender, Forgive, Release, and Receive. I Acknowledge the pattern reenacting
the original perceived separation; I Surrender the false idea of separation that does not serve me, I
Forgive myself for my error, I Release false fractals formed from Fear Factor; I Receive the light of Divine
Penetrating Illumination connecting me to Our True Essence.
Along with studying The Disappearance of the Universe and A Course In Miracles, and striving to embody
Christ Consciousness, the perception analysis process is the most empowering action I use to rediscover Our
True Essence. This helps me avoid getting wrapped up in conflict, instead, I try to glean symbolic significance
from any incongruity. I observe news reports, stories from friends, and experiences with my family. I use any
issue from an annoying fly buzzing in my face to the tragic tsunami in Japan. If I have a strong reaction to an
issue, it is even more important for me to analyze the symbolism and release my false perceptions. You might
ponder this quotation adapted from Lesson 9 of A Course In Miracles: “It is difficult for the untrained mind to
believe that what it seems to picture is not there. This idea can be quite disturbing, and may meet with active
resistance in any number of forms. Yet that does not preclude applying (the idea). No more than (applying the
idea) is (needed). Each small step will clear a little of the darkness away, and understanding will finally come
to lighten every corner of the mind that has been cleared of the debris that darkens it.”
While applying these techniques, it may seem like nothing is changing, yet I intuitively feel it is worthwhile.
With Compassionate Spirit assisting me, I sense subtle shifts occurring, incrementally freeing my mind from the
insidious subconscious quagmire of guilt, blame, and fear. I am learning to direct my attention to cause in the
mind, rather than reinforcing effect in the external perception.
In closing, let me direct your attention to Pascal‟s quotation in the order of service. As I read it, I will insert
some personal interpretations based on my studies: “The God-shaped hole in the human heart is in fact an
infinite and terrifying abyss (the insidious guilt complex of perceived separation). Which I try to cover over
with all sorts of false facades (futile attempts at substitution such as possessions, or relationships). But then a
crack appears in the façade (decay due to inevitable impermanence), and I see through it the well of eternal
nothingness plunging down forever, and I hurl myself back in total horror (Reaction of Our Fear Factor). Only
that which is infinite and completely transcendent, could fill such an abyss (Connection to Our True Essence,
Pure Compassion, Source of Life,).”
I believe The Disappearance of the Universe and A Course In Miracles clearly affirms that Our True Essence
Oneness, is completely innocent, pure, loving, eternal energy. We have done nothing wrong. We have nothing
to fear. Only a part of our mind is preoccupied with false images. By awakening to Our True Essence, we
realize that we are already complete.
From my heart, I want to thank you for your time and attention; thank you for allowing me to express my
deeply personal beliefs. Wherever you are on your journey, I say „Yes‟ to each of you and I bid you Peace!
Techniques for Connecting with Our True Essence: Unlocking Our Imagination
While reviewing this handout and practicing the techniques, it may seem as though I am an overly-optimistic Polly-Anna,
using ridiculous coping mechanisms that are just too idealistic. That may be true, or it may be a very effective way to
change our mind, attracting what we want, not what we don‟t want. Perhaps we could „suspend disbelief‟ long enough to „disbelieve what we have been suspending‟ for a long time. If we keep doing what we‟ve been doing, we will keep
getting what we‟ve been getting. I believe we can imagine a much better way to live! I affirm each day as soon as I open
my eyes, “I forgive and release this world of false fractals. I welcome Spirit and Light into my life to help me change my
mind, to connect with Our True Essence.” Remove residual physical effects by going to cause within our mind. Attitude
and awareness is Everything!
Cancel, Cancel and Erase; Replace and Embrace
I use this technique when I don‟t have time to analyze a situation, but I want to neutralize Our Fear Factor‟s reaction to an
event while driving or in line at the grocery store, etc:
Cancel, cancel and erase (issue or concern); replace and embrace (supportive image / idea)
Cancel, cancel and erase pain; replace and embrace freedom of movement (not just bodily movement, it can mean much
Cancel, cancel and erase resentment against (fill in blank); replace and embrace the interdependent web which we are all a
Inhale / Exhale Affirmation
As I inhale, I breathe in and receive the Love of Spirit into my being (or any supportive image / idea).
As I exhale, I release that which does not serve me (or specific terms like: resentment, judgment against ______,
frustration, feelings of scarcity, anxiety about _____).
Affirmation of Vision
When my eyes are closed, I Connect with Essence; I accept any thought, feeling, or mental image that manifests as
information that will be helpful to this connection. (wait to allow the image/feeling of connection to surface)
When my eyes are open, (instead of looking at the world) I see through my eyes, the images of the world in a new &
Loving light.
Surrender the Problem
This can work for any issue, from mild to complex. If you feel there are no good answers to an issue, simply step back
and affirm, “There has to be a better way than what I now perceive. I invite and welcome guidance from Spirit to show
me a better way.” Instead of win/lose. Let it be win/win/win. Affirm “E.W.O.W” = Everything (Always) Works Out
Change Charged Language / Neutralize Emotional Responses / Recognize Reactionary Patterns
Observe everything. Observe the news headlines, look at the charged language, how has it made you feel in the past?
Can analysis help change emotional responses? Listen to stories people tell you, often about how someone wronged
them. Consider the reactionary pattern they fed into. Consider reactionary patterns you tend to feed into, even when
people are telling you their story. Being in the world, not being of the world means not getting so wrapped up, caught up,
wound up in charged emotional reactionary patterns. Even if it happens, taking time to reflect back on the pattern is very
Most of these affirmations can be practiced while waiting in line or waiting for an appointment. It is a very good use of
time. And it gives us fresh material to use, instead of looking at „others‟ and feeling like judging „them.‟ Recognizing
„they‟ are projections of our own shadow-thoughts is the first step. Then let the Light flow from there.
One of the ways I can tell I am dreaming at night, is when the dream doesn‟t add up. “Hey wait a minute, why is the
basement on top of the house?” That is a clue for me that it‟s a dream. Taking inventory in the world as we perceive it,
doesn‟t it seem like there‟s a lot of things that don‟t add up? How many ridiculous, preposterous, absurd, corrupt systems
do we deal with every day? That is a clue for me, that this is also a dream. When something exciting is happening, we
hear people say, “Is this real or am I a dreaming?” When something horrific is happening, we hear people say, “This is a
nightmare!” Our world may seem less absurd than a nighttime dream, however anything that doesn‟t add up to the
Oneness of 1 is nothing but a 0. 0x0=0 is nothing but a dream / 1+1=1 is True Oneness.
Perception Analysis Process
Acknowledge, Surrender, Forgive, Release, and Receive
Acknowledge – I acknowledge the pattern re-enacting perceived separation.
Surrender – I surrender the false idea of separation that does not serve me.
Forgive – I forgive myself for my error in perception / I forgive the projected symbolism of my error.
Release – I release false fractals of _____ (reactionary term) formed from Our Fear Factor.
Receive – I receive the Divine Penetrating Illumination and see the images of the world in a new and
Loving Light as I Connect with Our True Essence
Example of Perception-Analysis Process: Since my teens, I have been terrified of heights. I have no problem with
heights when my feet are on the ground. After about 6 rungs up a ladder I‟m paralyzed in panic-mode. This perfectly
represents Our Fear Factor‟s grip on our mind. Whenever we deviate too far from the norm, there is a sense of falling. I
feel this represents the proverbial “Fall from Grace.”
*I acknowledge that I am paralyzed by sheer fear when I look down from a high place. This represents my reaction to the
initial perception of separation when I was paralyzed by fear, thinking I had fallen from Grace. In that moment, I had a
terrible sinking feeling of vertigo: a dizzying, disorienting, out-of-control free fall in my mind. But there was no fall from
Grace. There is only Oneness Now and Always.
*I surrender this fearful feeling of falling. It is completely false. It does not serve me. I decline to continue feeling this
way. As I surrender my fear to my Higher Power, I step out of the cycle of fear.
*I forgive myself for making the original error, and I forgive myself for getting caught up in the panic of the moment. I
am innocent and pure, completely loved and One with my Source.
*I now release any and all feelings of fear of heights, and my fear of fall from Grace. I release all false fractals formed
from Fear Factor. I free my mind and my imagination to express Our True Essence Self in Christ Consciousness. As I
release that which does not serve, Spirit permeates the depths of my subconscious releasing all blocks, all false forms of limitation.
*I gratefully receive the Light of the Spirit. I invite Divine Penetrating Illumination to fill me from within, embrace me
with compassion, empower me, and restore awareness of Our True Essence existence.
{Note: after I did this exercise, I jumped off a high diving board (twice!) to symbolically release false fractals formed
from Fear Factor. I still don‟t like being high-up, but I manage my reaction much better now.}
Optional exercise to practice the Perception-Analysis Process:
Any concern, small or large, can be analyzed in this process. Here is a suggested topic just to get started: The need to
feel accepted is a huge symbol. We want to feel like we fit in somewhere. However, many people don‟t feel like they
completely fit in. Not at work, not at school, not in public, not in church, not in community activities. Sometimes not
even in their own family. Doesn‟t this perfectly symbolize the pattern re-enacting perceived separation? We don‟t fit in
this dualistic world that is very off-kilter. We sense it as a subtle gnawing loneliness. The world doesn‟t fit us, but Our
Fear Factor makes us feel that we don‟t fit the world. It makes us feel that there is something wrong with us. We want to
be accepted, so we go to great lengths to try to fit in. How have we done this? Try plugging these specific ideas into the
Perception-Analysis Process.
Do What the Voice Tells You to Do*
We have heard of the „still, small voice‟ within our heart and mind. The internal „knowing‟ that guides us when we listen
to it. Here is something I didn‟t know until studying A Course In Miracles, that „still, small voice‟ grows louder and more
clear when we listen to it and act on it. The more we connect to Our True Essence, the more distinct and powerful the
inner voice becomes.
*your internal „knowing‟ will only guide you toward thoughts and actions of loving connection, not fear or separation.
Fear or Love
Disappearance of the Universe and A Course In Miracles explain that in this dualistic perception, everything we see, do,
think and feel goes into one of two categories. We are either exhibiting fear or conveying Love. All forms of fear are
extremely defensive. Recall the phrase, “The best defense is a strong offense.” Anything that is not Love is simply a call
for Love. Or a cry for Love. Or a strangely distorted wail of agonizing fear from a confused mind. Instead of harshly
judging anyone for exhibiting a fearful Call for Love, try recognizing the Call as our own fearful projection. And in our
mind, we can answer the Call for Love by embodying the characteristics of Christ Consciousness: serene patience,
enlightened nonjudgment, ultimate compassion, pure unconditional love, absolute equality, abundant generosity, peaceful
May we realize we are already complete EWOW, Lara Pollock
A Smattering of Recommended Reading:
Animalia (1982), Barbara Berger
Life After Life (1975), Raymond Moody
There Is A River (1945), Edgar Cayce
The Third Eye (1956) & You Forever (1965) Tuesday Lobsong Rampa
Silva Mind Control {Focus}, Jose Silva (1977)
Celestine Prophecy (1993) & The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (1996), James Redfield
Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation (1991)
Creative Visualization (1978)
Path to Transformation: How Healing Ourselves Can Change the World (1993), Shakti Gawain
Zen Physics (1996), David Darling
Holographic Universe (1991), Michael Talbot
The Power of Now (1999) & A New Earth (2005), Eckhart Tolle
Peace Is Every Step (1992) & Living Buddha, Living Christ (1997), Thich Nhat Hanh
Connecting with Essence / Embodying Christ Consciousness: serence patience, enlightened nonjudgment, ultimate
compassion, pure unconditional love, absolute equality, abundant generosity, peaceful Presence
***The Disappearance of the Universe (2002),
Your Immortal Reality (2006), Gary Renard
***A Course in Miracles (1976), Foundation for Inner Peace
The Meaning of Miracles: Principles of Miracles #33: “Miracles honor you because you are lovable. They dispel
illusions about yourself and perceive the light in you. They thus atone for your errors by freeing you from your
nightmares. By releasing your mind from the imprisonment of your illusions, they restore your sanity.”
Lara Pollock