Green Sanctuary Certification

First UU of Wichita is gearing up to go through the process of earning the Green Sanctuary Certification from the UUA.  This involves an extensive effort to build awareness of environmental issues in our congregation through many dimensions of our personal as well as social lives.  We have formed a Green Sanctuary Committee to lead this effort, but we want awareness and participation from as many members of our Church and, ultimately, wider community as possible!

There are four general areas we will focus on:  Environmental Justice, Worship, Religious Education, and Sustainable Living.  Over the next several months, we will be assessing where we are, environmentally speaking, in awareness and the practice of “green” principles in our individual, family, and community lives.  Once we have established where we are now, we will plan and set objectives to move ourselves forward in understanding, respecting, and protecting the “interdependent web of existence of which we are a part”!

We will focus primarily on our own congregation and community for the certification, but we realize our connectedness to everything around us, so we will welcome input, and gladly share with others, as we make this exciting journey!  The UUA has numerous resources to guide and assist us, but we want extensive participation from our membership, especially as we go through the steps to completion of the goal!  Stay tuned for updates and exciting news!