
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm


First UU
7202 E. 21st St. N., Wichita, kS, 67206
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The Partner Church Committee, along with helpful UUs, will host an event on the afternoon of Saturday, November 7. Come to our International Tea (and coffee) featuring European pastries, live music by Trevor Stewart and enjoy some delicious desserts and libations. Admission of $7 will allow you to sample several different desserts. If you are a baker and would like to help, please contact Debbie Wadman at debbietubiolo89@hotmail.com. We also need volunteers for setting up, cleaning up, and publicity. Our Partner Church in Homorod-Szentpal is the center of a very deserving Unitarian village in Transylvania. Our spring fund-raiser is just one part of the help that we give each year. Let’s see if we can boost our level of assistance to provide more global outreach where it is needed.