Our Next Service

The Wisdom of Christ

Rev. Joe Mohr presents “The Wisdom of Christ” on Sunday, July 21. Even though Jesus Christ is one of the most studied and written about figures in history, he also is one of the most mysterious. And the more certainty people proclaim about his teachings, the more of them they seem to miss. Joe will … Continue reading The Wisdom of Christ


21 Jul 24
28 Jul 24
4 Aug 24
11 Aug 24
18 Aug 24

Weekly Wisdom Saying

On the church sign for the week of Juy 17:

There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson, who went by his middle name Waldo, was an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society. – Wikipedia

Solar Power

Read about our Solar Photovoltaic (PV) array.


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Help our church thrive in the years and decades ahead by contributing to the operating fund, the capital campaign, or one of the designated giving funds. Read more . . .